>This news is making rounds all over the internet! So I am just gonna mention a few points here that I came across in the few articles I read.

  • Google’s chrome OS will be for people who spend most of their time on the web!
  • It will light weight and quickly take you online

One doubt by people is that while people are often online, they still wanna store stuff on their comps like photoshop to edit pics, play DVD’s etc so this new OS won’t really be effective.
However these things can be done online too, like online photoshop tools
www.pixlr.com, www.aviary.com
Similarly, I haven’t played music on my laptop after installing ubuntu on it (have a bug) more than 6 months back.
I listen to streamed stuff on www.in.com, www.lastfm.com (until it became paid) www.music.yahoo.com etc..
So the stuff that can be done online without using bulky desktop softwares is A LOT!

  • It will have a linux kernel
  • will be released on netbooks first, should be available in late 2010

So there is still a long time by which we can access it on PC’s and stuff

  • will be open source, Google will be releasing the code soon

Why did they announce it this week?

Cause Microsoft will be making a release next week! 😀
MS Office may become a cloud product, i.e. it will be available online, kinda like google docs, I think. This announcement will be made on Monday so Google, once again announces its product to steal the MS thunder. (like it did with Google Wave!)

Some confusions with all this talk of OS …

  • Chrome means google’s web browser, but it also means the framework of windows (Whaaaat!)

Apparently! Read more here. (via a friend)

  • Is Windows – the Microsofts OS or is it a techie term??

Definitely looking forward to this Google product too! Read the formal announcement on their blog.

Which reminds me of another aspect, that Google did not inform any media, online or offline to make the announcement. They simply blogged it and it has been picked up by top newspapers, blogs, even TV channels!
So the PR people at Google probably like their work, cause one of the harrowing aspect of PR is to maintain contacts with the media guys!

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