>Digital Vidya is a good place for some interesting info on social media. In fact couple of my blog posts have been sourced from them. Through some social media serendipity (Chris Brogan on serendipity), I will be at their Social media bootcamp that is happening in Mumbai in the first week of June, blogging and tweeting away (work I like best :p).

It seems to be a very interesting event. I read the synopsis of their previous such event and that was pretty cool! Making a Facebook community hands on with the participants is a very good way of getting the peeps to get an idea of what social media is all about! Also the insights they have gained is very valuable.

This event is slated for 4th June, venue not yet decided. You can check it out here. Again there will be hands on Facebook communities creation and popularizing.

They are also doing a free webinar tomorrow so if you have time join in!

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