>One of the first things to figure out before we set up a community to manage for a brand is the content strategy. Usually it includes not in order of importance,

  1. Product updates
  2. Media coverage
  3. Other social platform integration i.e. promotion of blog posts if there is a company blog
  4. viral engagement

This 4th point, is where the creative aspect comes in, and it is the most important. In fact product updates and/or blog posts can be removed if there are too many updates as the community is not to be churning out press releases.

To figure the creative output, we need to form a content strategy as in what will be theme of the viral engagement. Will it be contest, quiz, viral content or some such.
To give you better idea here are few Facebook pages with some very different content strategies,


They were already sending out recipe videos but very sporadically after reaching 1 lakh fans I guess they decided to get some content strategy into place,

I am a lot into Chinese stuff – the language, Kung fu etc… but frankly I mean I know the brand name is Chings but do I have to learn history and geography of China from you??!! The quiz idea is fine but it should be more relevant to people.

Indian Panga League – Virgin Mobile

Its a new campaign recently started. They are simply churning out viral videos ads which revolve around the IPL theme! Nice one.

They also have a contest going on at their website.


Strategy can also be to cover any offline events that the company might have. Like the Pantaloons – beauty for a cause contest! BTW these guys have also crossed the 1 lakh fans in a span of about 9 months!

What is your favorite brand on Social media and what is its content strategy?

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